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graph.c File Reference

routine for handling dgraphs More...

#include "graph.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "dlpq_headers.h"
#include "dlsort_headers.h"


struct  gau_ptrs_type


#define DLPQ_PREFIX   vv
#define DLPQ_KEY_T   vtx_type
#define DLPQ_VAL_T   vtx_type
#define DLPQ_MIN   1
#define DLSORT_PREFIX   adj
#define DLSORT_TYPE_T   adj_type


typedef struct gau_ptrs_type gau_ptrs_type


graph_typegraph_create (tid_type const nthreads)
 Allocate and initialize a graph structure. More...
graph_typegraph_setup (vtx_type *const nvtxs, adj_type **const xadj, vtx_type **const adjncy, wgt_type **const adjwgt, wgt_type **const vwgt, tid_type const nthreads)
 Setup a graph structure given this threads parts of the graph. More...
graph_typegraph_distribute (int const distribution, vtx_type const nvtxs, adj_type const *const xadj, vtx_type const *const adjncy, wgt_type const *const vwgt, wgt_type const *const adjwgt, tid_type const nthreads)
 Distribute a csr based graph among threads. More...
void graph_gather (graph_type const *const graph, adj_type **const r_xadj, vtx_type **const r_adjncy, wgt_type **const r_vwgt, wgt_type **const r_adjwgt, vtx_type **const r_voff)
 Gather a copy of the graph to each thread. Alias is private to each thread where the other three arrays are not. More...
graph_typegraph_setup_coarse (graph_type *const graph, vtx_type *const cnvtxs)
 Setup a coarse graph given the fine graph and the number of coarse vertices. More...
void graph_setup_twgts (graph_type *const graph)
 Calculate and save the tvwgts of a new graph. More...
void graph_alloc_partmemory (ctrl_type *const ctrl, graph_type *const graph)
 Allocate memory for partition informatin. More...
void graph_free (graph_type *graph)
 Free a graph structure and its associated memory. More...
void graph_free_rdata (graph_type *graph)
 Free partition/refinement data associated with a graph. More...
double graph_imbalance (graph_type const *const graph, pid_type const nparts, real_type const *const pijbm)
 Compute the load imbalance of a partitioning. More...
double graph_imbalance_diff (graph_type const *const graph, pid_type const nparts, real_type const *const pijbm, real_type const ubfactor)
 Compute the amount the load imbalance of the graph violates the constraint. More...
wgt_type graph_cut (graph_type const *const graph, pid_type const *const *const gwhere)
 Compute the edgecut of a partitioning. More...
int graph_isbalanced (ctrl_type const *const ctrl, graph_type const *const graph, real_type const ffactor)
 Check if a partitioning of a graph is balanced within the given constraint. More...
void graph_readjust_memory (graph_type *const graph, adj_type adjsize)
 Re-adjust the memory used the by edge arrays of a graph. More...
size_t graph_size (graph_type const *const graph)
 Determine the amount of memory required to store the graph. More...
void graph_calc_dist (vtx_type const maxnvtxs, tid_type const nthreads, graphdist_type *const dist)
 Configure the distribution structure. More...
graph_typepar_graph_create (dlthread_comm_t const comm)
 Allocate and initialize a graph structure. More...
graph_typepar_graph_setup (vtx_type const nvtxs, adj_type *const xadj, vtx_type *const adjncy, wgt_type *const vwgt, wgt_type *const adjwgt, dlthread_comm_t const comm)
 Setup a graph structure given this threads parts of the graph. More...
void par_graph_setup_twgts (graph_type *const graph)
 Calculate and save the twgts of a new graph. More...
void par_graph_free (graph_type *graph)
 Free a graph structure and its associated memory. More...
void par_graph_free_rdata (graph_type *graph)
 Free partition/refinement data associated with a graph. More...
void par_graph_gather (graph_type const *const graph, adj_type **const r_xadj, vtx_type **const r_adjncy, wgt_type **const r_vwgt, wgt_type **const r_adjwgt, vtx_type *const r_voff)
 Gather a copy of the graph to each thread. Alias is private to each thread where the other three arrays are not. More...
void par_graph_shuffle (ctrl_type *const ctrl, graph_type *const graph, pid_type const *const *const gwhere, int const wgts)
 Shuffle the vertices in a graph such that the partition matches the owning thread. More...
graph_typepar_graph_setup_coarse (graph_type *const graph, vtx_type const cnvtxs)
 Setup a coarse graph given the fine graph and the number of coarse vertices. More...
void par_graph_alloc_partmemory (ctrl_type *const ctrl, graph_type *const graph)
 Allocate memory for partition informatin. More...
tid_type par_graph_extract_halves (graph_type *const graph, pid_type const *const *const gwhere, graph_type **const halves)
 Pull out partition 0 and partition 1 from a vertex separated graph or edge bisected graph. Vertices with high partition labels than 1 are dropped. This sets the label[][] array of the new graphs to be global vertex numbers in the original graph, and sets the rename[][] array in the original graph to be global vertex numbers in the new graph. More...
adj_type * par_graph_build_radj (graph_type const *const graph)
 Build a reverse adjacency index and store it in graph->radj. More...
void par_graph_intext_vtx (graph_type const *const graph, vtx_type *const r_nint, vtx_type *const r_next)
 Count the number of internal and external (interface) vertices owned by this thread. More...
wgt_type par_graph_cut (graph_type const *const graph, pid_type const *const *const where)
 Compute the edgecut of a partitioning in parallel. More...
void par_graph_removeislands (ctrl_type *const ctrl, graph_type *const graph)
 Remove island vertices from a graph and adjust parameters. More...
void par_graph_restoreislands (ctrl_type *const ctrl, graph_type *const graph, pid_type *const *const gwhere)
 Restore island vertices and parameters to a graph. More...
void par_graph_extract_parts (graph_type *const graph, pid_type const *const *const gwhere, pid_type const nparts, graph_type **const parts)
 Extract the partitions from a graph. If called with more threads than partitions, the number of threads should be a multiple of number of partitions. The supplied 'nparts' can be lower than the actual number of partitions, an donly partitions with IDs lower than 'nparts' will be extracted. More...
graph_typepar_graph_distribute (int const distribution, vtx_type const nvtxs, adj_type const *const xadj, vtx_type const *const adjncy, wgt_type const *const vwgt, wgt_type const *const adjwgt, dlthread_comm_t const comm)
 Distribute a csr based graph among a set of active threads. More...

Detailed Description

routine for handling dgraphs

Dominique LaSalle

Function Documentation

void graph_alloc_partmemory ( ctrl_type ctrl,
graph_type graph 

Allocate memory for partition informatin.

ctrlThe control structure containing nparts.
graphThe graph.
void graph_calc_dist ( vtx_type  maxnvtxs,
tid_type  nthreads,
graphdist_type dist 

Configure the distribution structure.

maxnvtxsThe maximum number of vertices owned by a thread.
nthreadsThe number of threads.
distThe distribution structure to configure.
graph_type* graph_create ( tid_type  nthreads)

Allocate and initialize a graph structure.

nthreadsThe number of threads the graph will be used by.
The allocated and initialized graph.
wgt_type graph_cut ( graph_type const *  graph,
pid_type const *const *  where 

Compute the edgecut of a partitioning.

graphThe graph structure.
whereThe partition labels.
The total weight of cut edges.
graph_type* graph_distribute ( int  dist,
vtx_type  nvtxs,
adj_type const *  xadj,
vtx_type const *  adjncy,
wgt_type const *  vwgt,
wgt_type const *  adjwgt,
tid_type  nthreads 

Distribute a csr based graph among threads.

distThe type of distribution to use.
nvtxsThe number of vertices in the graph.
xadjThe adjacency list poitner.
adjncyThe adjacecny list.
vwgtThe vertex weights.
adjwgtThe edge weights.
nthreadsThe number of threads to distribute the graph between.
The distributed graph.
void graph_free ( graph_type graph)

Free a graph structure and its associated memory.

graphThe graph to free.
void graph_free_rdata ( graph_type graph)

Free partition/refinement data associated with a graph.

graphThe graph to free the associated partition/refinement data of.
void graph_gather ( graph_type const *  graph,
adj_type **  r_xadj,
vtx_type **  r_adjncy,
wgt_type **  r_vwgt,
wgt_type **  r_adjwgt,
vtx_type **  r_voff 

Gather a copy of the graph to each thread. Alias is private to each thread where the other three arrays are not.

graphThe distributed graph to gather.
r_xadjA refernce to the adjacency list pointer.
r_adjncyA reference to the adjacency list.
r_vwgtA reference to the vertex weight.
r_adjwgtA reference to the edge weight.
r_voffA reference to the offset of the vertices for this thread.
double graph_imbalance ( graph_type const *  graph,
pid_type  nparts,
real_type const *  pijbm 

Compute the load imbalance of a partitioning.

graphThe graph.
npartsThe number of partitions.
pijbmThe inverted average partition weight.
The imbalance of the partitioning.
double graph_imbalance_diff ( graph_type const *const  graph,
pid_type const  nparts,
real_type const *const  pijbm,
real_type const  ubfactor 

Compute the amount the load imbalance of the graph violates the constraint.

graphThe graph.
npartsThe number of partitions.
pijbmThe inverted average partition weight.
ubfactorThe allowed imbalance constraint.
The amount of imbalance in excess of the constraint.
int graph_isbalanced ( ctrl_type const *  ctrl,
graph_type const *  graph,
real_type  ffactor 

Check if a partitioning of a graph is balanced within the given constraint.

ctrlThe control structure.
graphThe partitioned graph.
ffactorThe balance constraint.
1 if the partitioning is balanced.
void graph_readjust_memory ( graph_type *const  graph,
adj_type  adjsize 

Re-adjust the memory used the by edge arrays of a graph.

graphThe graph structure.
adjsizeThe current size of the adjacency arrays.
graph_type* graph_setup ( vtx_type *  nvtxs,
adj_type **  xadj,
vtx_type **  adjncy,
wgt_type **  adjwgt,
wgt_type **  vwgt,
tid_type  nthreads 

Setup a graph structure given this threads parts of the graph.

nvtxsThe number of vertices in the graph.
xadjThe adjacency list pointer.
adjncyThe adjacency list.
adjwgtThe edge weights.
vwgtThe vertex weights.
nthreadsThe number of threads the graph is distributed across.
The setup graph structure.
graph_type* graph_setup_coarse ( graph_type graph,
vtx_type *  cnvtxs 

Setup a coarse graph given the fine graph and the number of coarse vertices.

graphThe fine graph.
cnvtxsThe number of coarse vertices for each thread.
The allocated and setup coarse graph.
void graph_setup_twgts ( graph_type graph)

Calculate and save the tvwgts of a new graph.

graphThe graph.
size_t graph_size ( graph_type const *  graph)

Determine the amount of memory required to store the graph.

graphThe graph to calculate the size of.
The number of bytes required to store the graph.
void par_graph_alloc_partmemory ( ctrl_type ctrl,
graph_type graph 

Allocate memory for partition informatin.

ctrlThe control structure containing nparts.
graphThe graph.
adj_type* par_graph_build_radj ( graph_type const *  graph)

Build a reverse adjacency index and store it in graph->radj.

graphThe graph to build the reverse adjacency list of.
The reverse adjacecny index.
graph_type* par_graph_create ( dlthread_comm_t  comm)

Allocate and initialize a graph structure.

nthreadsThe thread communicator.
The allocated and initialized graph.
wgt_type par_graph_cut ( graph_type const *  graph,
pid_type const *const *  where 

Compute the edgecut of a partitioning in parallel.

graphThe graph structure.
whereThe partition labels.
The total weight of cut edges.
graph_type* par_graph_distribute ( int  distribution,
vtx_type  nvtxs,
adj_type const *  xadj,
vtx_type const *  adjncy,
wgt_type const *  vwgt,
wgt_type const *  adjwgt,
dlthread_comm_t  comm 

Distribute a csr based graph among a set of active threads.

distThe type of distribution to use.
nvtxsThe number of vertices in the graph.
xadjThe adjacency list pointer.
adjncyThe adjacecny list.
vwgtThe vertex weights.
adjwgtThe edge weights.
commThe active thread communicator.
The distributed graph.
tid_type par_graph_extract_halves ( graph_type graph,
pid_type const *const *  where,
graph_type **  halves 

Pull out partition 0 and partition 1 from a vertex separated graph or edge bisected graph. Vertices with high partition labels than 1 are dropped. This sets the label[][] array of the new graphs to be global vertex numbers in the original graph, and sets the rename[][] array in the original graph to be global vertex numbers in the new graph.

graphThe graph to extract subgraphs from.
whereThe partition ID's of each vertex.
halvesThe two extracted subgraphs (output).
Which half of the graph this thread is assigned.
void par_graph_extract_parts ( graph_type *const  graph,
pid_type const *const *const  gwhere,
pid_type const  nparts,
graph_type **const  parts 

Extract the partitions from a graph. If called with more threads than partitions, the number of threads should be a multiple of number of partitions. The supplied 'nparts' can be lower than the actual number of partitions, an donly partitions with IDs lower than 'nparts' will be extracted.

graphThe graph to extract partitions from.
gwhereThe partition id of each vertex.
npartsThe number of partitions to extract.
partsThe extracted partitions (output), should be of lenght nparts.
void par_graph_free ( graph_type graph)

Free a graph structure and its associated memory.

graphThe graph to free.
void par_graph_free_rdata ( graph_type graph)

Free partition/refinement data associated with a graph.

graphThe graph to free the associated partition/refinement data of.
void par_graph_gather ( graph_type const *  graph,
adj_type **  r_xadj,
vtx_type **  r_adjncy,
wgt_type **  r_vwgt,
wgt_type **  r_adjwgt,
vtx_type *  r_voff 

Gather a copy of the graph to each thread. Alias is private to each thread where the other three arrays are not.

graphThe distributed graph to gather.
r_xadjA refernce to the adjacency list pointer.
r_adjncyA reference to the adjacency list.
r_vwgtA reference to the vertex weight.
r_adjwgtA reference to the edge weight.
r_voffA reference to the offset of the vertices for this thread.
void par_graph_intext_vtx ( graph_type const *const  graph,
vtx_type *const  r_nint,
vtx_type *const  r_next 

Count the number of internal and external (interface) vertices owned by this thread.

graphThe graph.
r_nintA reference to the number of internal vertices.
r_nextA reference to the number of external vertices.
void par_graph_removeislands ( ctrl_type ctrl,
graph_type graph 

Remove island vertices from a graph and adjust parameters.

ctrlThe control structure.
graphThe graph structure.
void par_graph_restoreislands ( ctrl_type ctrl,
graph_type graph,
pid_type *const *  gwhere 

Restore island vertices and parameters to a graph.

ctrlThe control structure.
graphThe graph structure.
gwhereThe where vector (should be large enough to hold island vertices).
graph_type* par_graph_setup ( vtx_type  nvtxs,
adj_type *  xadj,
vtx_type *  adjncy,
wgt_type *  adjwgt,
wgt_type *  vwgt,
dlthread_comm_t  comm 

Setup a graph structure given this threads parts of the graph.

nvtxsThe number of vertices in the graph.
xadjThe adjacency list pointer.
adjncyThe adjacency list.
adjwgtThe edge weights.
vwgtThe vertex weights.
commThe thread communicator.
The setup graph structure.
graph_type* par_graph_setup_coarse ( graph_type *const  graph,
vtx_type  cnvtxs 

Setup a coarse graph given the fine graph and the number of coarse vertices.

graphThe fine graph.
cnvtxsThe number of coarse vertices.
The allocated and setup coarse graph.
void par_graph_setup_twgts ( graph_type graph)

Calculate and save the twgts of a new graph.

graphThe graph.
void par_graph_shuffle ( ctrl_type ctrl,
graph_type graph,
pid_type const *const *  where,
int  wgts 

Shuffle the vertices in a graph such that the partition matches the owning thread.

ctrlThe control structure.
graphThe graph to shuffle.
whereThe partition (destination thread) ids of each vertex.
wgtsPreserve the current weight information.