Public Attributes | List of all members
graph_type Struct Reference

Public Attributes

vtx_type nvtxs
vtx_type gnvtxs
adj_type nedges
dlthread_comm_t comm
graphdist_type dist
pid_type ** group
pid_type ngroup
vtx_type * mynvtxs
adj_type * mynedges
adj_type ** xadj
wgt_type ** vwgt
vtx_type ** adjncy
wgt_type ** adjwgt
int uniformvwgt
int uniformadjwgt
vtx_type * nislands
size_t level
vtx_type ** cmap
wgt_type * pwgts
pid_type ** where
struct kwinfo_typekwinfo
struct esinfo_typeesinfo
struct vsinfo_typevsinfo
twgt_type tvwgt
twgt_type tadjwgt
real_type invtvwgt
vtx_type ** rename
vtx_type ** label
wgt_type mincut
wgt_type minsep
vtx_type minvol
int free_xadj
int free_vwgt
int free_vsize
int free_adjncy
int free_adjwgt
struct graph_typecoarser
struct graph_typefiner

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