Public Attributes | List of all members
ctrl_type Struct Reference

Public Attributes

unsigned int seed
tid_type nthreads
int verbosity
int time
int runstats
int dist
timers_type timers
wgt_type * runs
int vwgtdegree
int ignore
dlthread_comm_t comm
int ptype
pid_type nparts
size_t nruns
size_t ncuts
real_type * tpwgts
real_type * pijbm
real_type ubfactor
int metis_serial
int removeislands
int ctype
int contype
int leafmatch
vtx_type coarsen_to
wgt_type maxvwgt
double stopratio
size_t ninitsolutions
int rtype
size_t nrefpass
vtx_type hillsize
int hs_stype
int global_relabel
size_t partfactor

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