All software comes with absolutely no warranty, and is provided on an AS IS basis.
Bowstring - A graph analysis library and tool.
Clairvoyance - A graph/sparse
matrix visualization tool.
Gooseberry - A partially multi-threaded sparse
linear algebra library and tool.
mt-Metis - A multi-threaded graph partitioner,
extending the Metis family of
Nerstrand - A multi-threaded graph clustering
library and tool.
For the curious, I have named many of the projects after Minnesota State Parks and State Forests, which I highly recommend visiting if you are in the state.
A Parallel Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Graph Partitioning
@inproceedings{mtmetis2016parallel, title={A parallel hill-climbing refinement algorithm for graph partitioning}, author={LaSalle, Dominique and Karypis, George}, booktitle={Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2016 45th International Conference on}, pages={236--241}, year={2016}, organization={IEEE} }
Improving graph partitioning for modern graphs and architectures
@inproceedings{mtmetis2016improving, title={Improving graph partitioning for modern graphs and architectures}, author={LaSalle, Dominique and Patwary, Md Mostofa Ali and Satish, Nadathur and Sundaram, Narayanan and Dubey, Pradeep and Karypis, George}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms}, pages={14}, year={2015}, organization={ACM} }
Efficient Nested Dissection for Multicore Architectures
@incollection{mtmetis2015europar, title={Efficient Nested Dissection for Multicore Architectures}, author={LaSalle, Dominique and Karypis, George}, pages{467--478}, booktitle={Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing}, year={2015}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg} }
Multi-threaded Graph Partitioning
@inproceedings{mtmetis2013ipdps, title={Multi-threaded graph partitioning}, author={LaSalle, Dominique and Karypis, George}, booktitle={Parallel \& Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2013 IEEE 27th International Symposium on}, pages={225--236}, year={2013}, organization={IEEE} }Graph Clustering/Community Detection
Multi-threaded Modularity Based Graph Clustering using the Multilevel Paradigm
@article{lasalle2014nerstrand, title={Multi-threaded Modularity Based Graph Clustering using the Multilevel Paradigm}, author = "Dominique LaSalle and George Karypis" journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing ", volume={76}, pages={66--90}, year = {2015}, }Big Data MPI
MPI for Big Data: New Tricks for an Old Dog
@article{lasalle14, title = "{MPI} for Big Data: New tricks for an old dog", author = "\textbf{Dominique LaSalle} and George Karypis", journal={Parallel Computing}, volume={40}, number={10}, pages={754--767}, year={2014}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
BDMPI: conquering BigData with small clusters using MPI
@inproceedings{lasalle2013bdmpi, title={BDMPI: conquering BigData with small clusters using MPI}, author={LaSalle, Dominique and Karypis, George}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Systems}, pages={19--24}, year={2013}, organization={ACM} }Contact
You can contact me, Dominique LaSalle, at <my first name>